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3 Personal Finance Tips for Startup Owners

When you’re busy making sure your startup is the best it can be, your personal finances can often take a backseat. But you can’t focus on improving your small business if you’re losing sleep over your own bills. 

Below are some simple tips to help you find financial security in your personal life, so you can get back to doing what you do best with your startup.  

1. Know What to Do in An Emergency 

Part of being financially secure is knowing how you can handle a surprising bill, even if you aren’t flush with cash.  

If you go online for an installment loan, remember to check the financial institution services your state. This might not be immediately apparent because you can access any financial institution’s website, but you’ll only be able to complete an application if you live within their service area.  

So, in practice, if you’re looking for the best installment loan Missouri has to offer, make sure you can borrow cash in Kansas City and other major cities in MO. The same goes for any state you call home.  

2. Make a Date with Your Budget 

All too often, budgets become a forgotten spending plan. If you’re like many people, you make it once, forget about it, and only dust it off when you run into the next financial emergency.  

This habit isn’t using your budget to its full potential. You need to compare your real-life spending to your budget’s plan to ensure you’re on the right track, so set up an hour each month to do just that.  

Look at your statements to see if you’re hitting the targets you set out in your plan. If not, explore why you’re having trouble. This is a perfect opportunity to adjust your goals so that they’re a reasonable objective for your current means.  

Plenty of financial advisors recommend using the 50-30-20 Budget to help you set spending targets for needs, wants, and savings. The 50-30-20 Rule is just a guide, so you can tweak the percentages based on your unique situation, but it provides useful direction to your spending.  

3. Cut Down on Expenses 

Fitting your spending into the above budget template may only work if you shed a few expenses. Here’s where it pays to look at your spending over a long period.  

This backwards look will help you spot any trends in your spending, flagging poor habits that might be wasting your money. For many, it’s discretionary spending that’s the worst culprit. Fun things like entertainment and takeout can steal a lot of money if you aren’t careful.  

However, for some people, it’s their regular lifestyle that makes it hard to budget. You’ll want to look at your housing costs and utility bills to see if you can make any changes to these regular expenses. 

Bottom Line 

Financial insecurity can throw anyone off their game — and not just in their personal lives. Any turbulence you hit at home can indirectly affect your startup, so you’ll want to jump on these tasks ASAP. These simple money management tips can help you tighten up your personal finances, so you can focus 100% of your attention on your startup. 

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