4 Ways to Protect Your IP Address

Every device that connects to the Internet has a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address, a number series with decimals that may look something like Hackers can use that address to perform a DoS attack or block your access to a website. An IP address lookup determines the location of your IP address and provides a lot of information, such as your city, state, zip code, and country. 

There are many possible risks if someone who is ill-intentioned learns your IP address. As it shows what city you’re in, it only takes a little more digging to find out where your house is and if you’ve announced that you’re going on vacation on social media, a would-be criminal can put two and two together and burgle it while you’re away. Hackers could also install malware on your computer, impersonate you, or even frame you for illegal activity. You could end up becoming a victim of identity theft, too, something that resulted in losses of about $56 million in 2020, according to the 2021 Identity Fraud Study

That should be enough to tell you how important it is to protect your IP address, but what’s the best way to do it?

Create a Unique and Strong Password for Your Device

The password for your device is a barrier that restricts people from accessing it. While some people never change the default password, that makes it vulnerable to an attack. Just like your bank account, credit card accounts, and all other personal accounts, it’s a must for your device to have a password that is strong, unique, and not easy to figure out. It should include a mix of lower and upper case letters, numbers, and characters to help safeguard it from hacking.

Add Extra Security

Having additional security is always a win, including an updated version of anti-malware or antivirus software that will keep your device safe from attacking sites. It will alert you if you click on a manipulative link and detect any ambiguity in receiving information. A firewall is yet another layer of security for protecting your device.

Restrict Communication Apps

One of the biggest sources of IP address hacking is communication apps, including calling apps and instant messengers. They’re often used by cybercriminals, which means the fewer you have, the better. For those that you keep, be sure to change the setting to private so that only people in your list can see your details. Never answer a call from an unknown number – as soon as the call is connected, that individual can get access to your location information and your device, resulting in your IP address being hacked.

Install a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Using a VPN is one of the safest ways to use the Internet as it provides an encrypted tunnel for all online activities that ensures no one will be able to get access to your device and its data. There are free and paid versions available, and it will stop cybercriminals in their tracks, making it impossible for them to direct malware to the device while also disguising your location and identity. You’ll access the Internet through remote servers, which means there is no chance your IP address will be hacked. 

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