Using Inspirational Quotes for High School Homeroom Projects

Thinking of new homeroom projects for your high school students? A homeroom teacher has this advantage over other teachers— the opportunity to inspire and influence his students more since he is their immediate adviser, friend, and mentor. In facilitating meaningful homeroom projects, they allow the students to take on additional responsibilities, learn new things, interact better, and have fun. So instead of the usual fund-raising activities and projects, why don’t you try something more inspirational? Here are some ideas you can implement in your class.


Encourage your students to inspire other students, to give them food for the soul. You can do this by asking them to design and create posters with inspirational quotes about life which they can look up or make by themselves. Have them add graphics or illustrations, even simple ones, to magnify the given message. They can put up these posters around the school to serve as words of motivation and encouragement.


Your students may also want to use inspirational quotes to decorate various items that they sell in school to other students and even to teachers as a fund-raising project for their class. For instance, they can design and create homemade cards and bookmarks with inspirational quotes. They can also hand-paint plain white shirts with these quotes, along with matching designs. If they have a capital for this small business venture, they may also opt to make shirt designs in the computer and have them printed on the shirts. Afterward, it would be good to suggest to them to also make appropriate advertising and promotional fliers and/or posters to let others know of these items for sale.

In addition, have your students wear the shirts themselves when they sell these things. Imagine seeing a schoolmate wearing a statement shirt that seems to shout a message of inspiration!


How about letting other students in the school from different levels join in on the fun? Perhaps your class can plan and facilitate a drawing, painting, or writing contest to interpret a given quote! This can even be done weekly! They will have to create the mechanics and the promotional materials. They can give tokens as prizes and also certificates for the winners. Furthermore, you may want to ask those in charge of the school paper to advertise as well as to publish the works of the winners. In this way, your class project can become a school-wide activity. And at the same time, your students can reach out to their fellow students too and touch their lives!

So what are you waiting for? Use your homeroom periods now to start planning the project that you believe would best benefit your students. Better yet, you can let them vote on which one they would like to do. It would also be good to divide them into groups and have each one do something different. Just be sure to assist them in the planning and implementation. It can be your class’s series of inspirational projects. Good luck and enjoy!


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