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How Amazon Global Selling is enabling Indian exporters to ship worldwide

Bhupen Wakankar, Director of Global Trade at Amazon, elaborated the contribution of Amazon in empowering sellers and brands to expand their reach internationally, in light of the booming e-commerce exports. He also emphasised the ‘Make in India’ initiative for worldwide markets.

Speaking at a keynote session at TechSparks 2023 in New Delhi, Wakankar detailed how Amazon Global Selling, a platform set up in 2015, enables Indian exporters to access global markets and connects India to the global ecosystem.

According to an IBEF report, the e-commerce sector is expected to reach $350 billion by 2030.

Highlighting Amazon’s ambitious targets, Wakankar said, “The initial goal was of achieving a cumulative e-commerce export (from India) worth $10 billion by 2025. Surpassing the halfway mark in 2022 prompted a revised aspiration: aiming for 20 billion dollars by 2025, signifying a notable shift in the ecosystem’s trajectory.”

Wakankar also touched upon the potential of Indian entrepreneurs to create global brands, citing the substantial opportunities in the more formalised e-commerce markets outside India.

“Direct-to-consumer (D2C) emerged as a promising avenue within the expansive $17 trillion global e-commerce landscape, anticipated to grow substantially to $71 trillion by 2028,” he said.

Addressing the complexities of global customer shipping, Wakankar highlighted Amazon’s support through market insights, logistics simplification, streamlined cross-border payments, a network of service providers, and essential guidance for sellers.

Government data, as referenced by Wakankar, forecasts e-commerce exports to contribute $200 billion – $300 billion to India’s overall exports by 2030. The government’s recognition of the e-commerce sector signifies the acknowledgment of its potential within the economic landscape.

Edited by Swetha Kannan

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