How Not Backing Up Data Can Destroy Your Business

Roughly 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated across the world’s most popular platforms every day. Some of that data may be data that helps drive your business.

Company secrets. Consumer profile information. Tax data.

Every byte of info that propels your company is worth protecting. With that in mind, it’s a wonder why some companies haven’t gone through the trouble of employing backup services.

Backup services/solutions embody any number of techniques that work to create redundancy when it comes to your business information. By not taking the time to figure out your backup plan, you’re setting your company up for failure.

Not sure why that is?

Keep reading to learn how not backing up data can create serious problems.

Zero Protection From Natural Disasters

If you don’t think natural disasters can strike your business center, think again. Earthquakes, flooding, tornadoes, wildfires… Any number of things that are outside of your control are within the realm of possibility no matter where in the world you are.

With data sitting on local computers or a single central server, one bad day could equal every ounce of your cooperate information disappearing.

Imagine not being able to access Excel files, consumer leads, and all of the other files your team and customers rely on to be productive. If that vision is harrowing to you, you can see why backup services are warranted.

Vulnerability to Ransomware

We hope that you’ve never had a run-in with ransomware. If you do run into it, you’ll find that it can be among the most frustrating means of cyberattacks to deal with.

Ransomware infects corporate and personal networks. When it does, it locks every file it touches with a password. In then threatens to delete all of the password-locked data unless you hand over a stated amount of money.

These sorts of attacks happen more often than you’d think, and just recently, ransomware forced a prominent university to fork over half a million dollars to an international hacking group.

Sever Failures Turn Into Business Failures

Even if the devices that housed your data were in a fire-proof, weather-proof, hack-proof environment, your non-backed-up data would still be at risk of incurring losses. How? Because technological failures happen every day.

The moment your server’s hard drive runs into a critical error or its CPU overheats and breaks, what are you going to do?

Sure, you could contract a repair technician to try and fix the issue. That might cost more than having a steady backup solution in place and wouldn’t be guaranteed to fix your problem, though.

Engaging cloud backup services, like those offered at, enable your company to brush off potentially catastrophic technological failures.

Lack of Portability

Data that’s backed up in the cloud is data that’s easily accessible. What that means for your team is fewer barriers preventing them from accessing what they need to work.

In 2020, it was shown to be important to give people flexible access to business information so they could work remotely.

While remote work is decreasing in popularity, you never know when you’ll be obliged to take your business on the road again. Your backed-up data will be invaluable to support that end.

Legal Ramifications

While not the case for all businesses, there are certain contexts where not having data properly backed up could cause legal ramifications. This is a topic you’d need to talk to an attorney about but, theoretically, if your data was breached and consumers incurred exposure during that risk, your community may look at your data practices and find negligence.

That negligence could result in millions of dollars worth of damages.

We know how dramatic they may sound, but it’s something that has happened to businesses in the past. The best way to avoid falling prey to that same reality is to work with a professional to get acceptable backup solutions in place.

Inability to Restore Data After Human Errors

Sometimes outside actors aren’t the problem when it comes to data issues. On occasion, your data woes will come about as a result of a team member that accidentally deletes a file or makes a mistake edit.

With backed-up data, no matter what fallacy a team member commits, they can easily restore the original document from a backup. Without a backup in place, your team will be forced to manually fix or otherwise restore corrupt data, assuming that’s possible.

Betraying Your Consumer

In today’s digital world, tell us—what consumers would feel comfortable giving their personal information to a company that doesn’t back up data? We’re willing to bet that the answer is not many.

You may be saying to yourself that consumers can’t tell whether or not their data is being cared for. While that may be the case, if you’re doing anything in business that you know would make your customers uncomfortable if they knew about it, you’re doing the wrong thing.

That adage separates the most successful businesses from those that come and go.

Engaging Backup Services Is a Must

Any business that’s looking to scale needs to engage in backup services. Look no further than the seven reasons we’ve shared with you to understand that necessity.

The great news is that backing up data is easier than ever today. Simply find an IT consultant to help you understand which solutions exist and get started on your migration process.

Curious to learn more about file backup services, the cost of backing up files, and more? If you are, our team welcomes you to check out the newest write-ups we have posted on our blog.

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