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How to Set up a Productive Home Office

More people now than ever before work out of their homes but perhaps do not have an office prepared for the job. If you’re currently working from your couch and using your coffee table as your desk, there may not be enough space to be as efficient as you would like to be. Plus, chances are that the television is on the wall, and the remote may be calling your name. 

To increase efficiency and draw that line between your personal and professional life, it might be time to consider a change. The good news is, setting up a productive home office can be simple to do.

Choose a Space

You first want to pick a space from which you want to work, preferably a place you can step away from when the job is done. Keep in mind, you don’t have to use an entire room but can carve out a corner of any place in your house for transformation. You want enough space for your computer, a place for some office supplies, a chair, a desk or table, and a bit of privacy. 

Gather Your Furniture

Once you choose the perfect place for your office, it is time to fill the space with the needed furniture. You want to sit in a chair that is supportive and comfortable, that is the right height for your desk. Remember, the table you choose for your computer and office essentials doesn’t have to be a traditional desk; there are various options, from standing ones to others that attach to the wall. Choose one that works for you.

Another thing you need is an area to hold your supplies like paper, folders, and other office essentials. Filing cabinets can fit the bill, or if you find a locker for sale, that can fit nicely in any professional setting too.

Finally, consider the lighting in your new space. Is your space near a window? Do you need a lamp? You want enough light so you don’t have to strain your eyes to complete your tasks.

Doll it Up

While not essential, personalizing your space can brighten up even the dreariest of days. Consider adding a picture or a plant and maybe an inspirational poster or painting on the wall. If you have a full-time job that you work from home, you want to spend time in a place that makes you feel comfortable and at ease. So, think about adding elements that bring not only a personal touch but inspire you as well. 

Organize the Space

To be as efficient as possible, there has to be an element of organization. Be sure not to crowd your space so much that it impedes productivity. Create a place for everything on your desk, from sticky notes to pens. You want everything to have a home but also to be within arms reach. A functional and organized space is typically a productive one.

What Does Productivity Mean?

Think about what makes you a productive worker in your job. Is it simply the volume of tasks you can complete in a certain timeframe? Is it taking care of your work priorities one at a time? Finding out what productivity means to you will help you center around that goal in order to achieve it. Get a clear picture of how your day will go in your new space and optimize your office elements so you can reach your goals.

Pace Yourself

Working from home can be challenging because many people forget to draw a firm line when the day is done. Optimizing your space for efficiency is important, but so is setting work hours and sticking to them. It’s all about balance.

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