New Search Engine Will Offer Ad-Free Experience

How many times have you used a search engine to look for information, shops, restaurants and more, only to have to scroll past a number of ads before even getting to the search results? It can definitely be annoying, and it’s all too common. Scout thought so, too, which is why they’re launching an ad-free search engine. is a search engine that uses real people – not bots or artificial intelligence – to curate search results. By doing so, they aim to provide organic search results, better content, and improved trust relationships between search providers and users. Their subscription model enables them to offer this service without ads – a benefit for users who are concerned about privacy issues when ads are present.

Scout includes a number of unique features that make it different from the big-name search engines in use today:

Ad-free search

Today’s most popular search engines may be free, but there’s still a “cost”: your privacy. These sites are able to stay free because they make money by running ads, which Scout says are a gateway for privacy issues. To better protect your privacy and provide a more pleasant search experience, Scout doesn’t include ads.

No bots and no AI

Scout believes it’s cool to be human. Instead of using bots or AI to determine what shows up in the search results page and how those results are ranked, Scout features organic, human-curated results that can be up-voted by real people. Only authenticated users can perform searches on Scout or affect search engine results. There’s also no filter bubbles or tracking, and they’re always moving towards open source.

Annual subscription fee

Instead of using a free business model, Scout uses a subscription model where users pay an annual fee of $10. This allows Scout to run their search engine without the need to include ads, which provides an improved search experience for users while better protecting your privacy.

Human-curated network:

Scout’s users determine how content shows up in the search results. Instead of bots or AI deciding how content should rank, real people review websites and up-vote the search results that are most relevant or helpful. Search results are organic, authentic, human-curated, crowd-sourced and up-voted by human viewers.


Users who have Scout accounts can earn rewards for helping to improve search results. Rewards are earned when users curate, review and vote on search results and answers.


Imagine using a search engine to find the information you need without having to scroll past a bunch of ads or worry about privacy issues. Scout is attempting to build a next-generation search engine, and you can help make this a reality by supporting their campaign on Kickstarter. They’re offering multiple support options with rewards like an early bird account, a year of ad-free search, a digital backpack, and even a lifetime account.

Want to help bring Scout to life? Check out Scout’s Kickstarter campaign to make a pledge or visit to learn more.


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