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The Forbidden Tech: What Facebook and Google Dared Not Unleash

Back in 2017, a quirky scene unfolded in Facebook’s headquarters in California. An engineer named Tommer Leyvand had strapped a smartphone to his cap, turning it into a futuristic device capable of identifying people by scanning their faces. What seemed like a fun gadget at first soon revealed its potentially creepy side, as it called out names of individuals, leaving no room for anonymity.

But the technology was shelved, partly due to privacy concerns. Fast forward to today, and the scene has drastically changed. The giants who initially held back this technology are witnessing smaller companies unleashing its potential to the public, tearing down previous ethical barriers.

Companies like Clearview AI and PimEyes have launched facial recognition tools that can match a person’s face to their online footprint, throwing open a plethora of personal information at a click. This isn’t a new technology but marks a shift where morality seems to be taking a back seat to innovation, perhaps opening a Pandora’s box that might be impossible to close again.

Google had once dabbled in this tech but decided to pull the plug, considering the potential risks involved. But now, we are on the brink of a world where personal boundaries get blurred, where a simple snapshot can unveil someone’s identity and personal details without their consent.

This brings us to the edge of a reality where the term “stranger” might become obsolete. Our devices could soon recognise faces and provide a background check in real-time, altering the very fabric of social interaction and privacy. What was once a tool used by authorities for security, threatens to become a regular feature on our smartphones or augmented reality glasses.

As we stand at the cusp of this new era, it’s essential to tread carefully, balancing the thrill of innovation with the critical need to safeguard personal privacy. It seems like we are setting sail into uncharted waters, where the line between convenience and intrusion is getting increasingly blurred.

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