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What Are OEM Parts? – AllTopStartups

If you’re researching replacement car parts, you need to know about OEM parts.  Many people buy auto parts online now. The online sale of these products increased almost thirty percent from 2019 to 2020! 

If you want to know more about OEM products, you’ve come to the right place. Keep on reading to find out what OEM parts are and the benefits of using them.

What Are OEM Parts?

OEM is an acronym for Original Equipment Manufacturer.  It means the parts you order get made by the company that makes the car. That differs from aftermarket car parts, which can get made by a different parts company. 

When you buy OEM products, you get genuine auto parts. These get made to fit your car rather than only being compatible with your vehicle. 

If you get OEM car parts, you get assured that what you buy got designed for your automobile type. That means if you need to replace a part of the car body, once repaired, it should look new again. You can always contact an OEM to find out more

What About Price?

The price of using OEM parts can cost more. After-market parts cost less, but you won’t always know what to expect. If you want an exact match for what you have now, you want genuine auto parts. 

OEM parts might cost you an average of sixty percent more than aftermarket parts.  That may seem steep, but you will get a warranty that assures you the car parts will work. You won’t have to worry about what to do if the fit isn’t right.

Consumers and dealers alike may opt to pay a premium for OEM parts. It comes with less headache because you get one specific part instead of a choice of dozens. 

OEM Quality

Aftermarket car parts don’t all get created the same. The inventory of choices gets confusing, and you won’t know the quality of any of them. While you can find matches to what you need, there is no guarantee those parts will work as your original ones do. 

OEM parts get made with high-quality materials. While aftermarket parts may cost less upfront, they may not last as long or provide the same high-level quality you want. 

Since OEM parts are the same as genuine auto parts, you know what you’re getting. What you receive will get designed for your exact car. 

When it comes to quality, some car warranties can get voided by using aftermarket car parts. If you’re vehicle still has a car warranty, you will want to make sure the parts you buy won’t interfere with that. 

Genuine Car Parts

If you have a car, you will have to get replacement parts at some point. That is inevitable. The products you choose could determine how well your vehicle performs.

When you buy OEM parts, you get genuine car parts, not an off-brand that may not work well. OEM products tend to be durable because they get made with better material than other parts.

When you buy these, you’ll have a longer lifespan from them, which will make you a happy customer! Follow our blog for more informative articles like this one!

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