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4 Incredibly Useful YouTube Studio Reports You Won’t Find in Google Ads –

Google Ads already has dedicated columns you can use to review the performance of your video campaigns. While these built-in columns are always helpful, sometimes you just need more information. This is where YouTube Studio can be extremely helpful. YouTube Studio’s analytics can provide a ton of data on how organic and paid viewers interact with your YouTube videos.

key moments tab in youtube studio reports

There are so many reports in this tool we do not get within Google Ads. So whenever I am working on an account running Google Ads video campaigns, I require my clients to grant me access to their Channel Analytics so I can get more information to make better optimization decisions. In this post, I am going to cover just four of the reports I look at the most:

>Device typeExternal sourcesKey momentsSuggested videos

I’ll show you how to pull the reports as well as how you can use them to improve your video ad performance.

1. Use the “Device type” report to avoid misleading data

Right away you may be thinking, “We can already get device information in Google Ads. This is not anything new.” While that is true, YouTube Studio Channel Analytics can tell a bigger picture. Here is one view of the initial data we get on the Device type tab.

device type report in youtube studio channel analytics

When looking at the default three columns displayed, the Computers and Mobile phone categories get the majority of the watch time. TV and Game consoles, however, are getting a much higher Average view duration. More watch time could mean better engagement, so you may feel inclined to push those devices more.

But this actually isn’t the right move. Click on the blue and white “plus” button to add “Card clicks,” and “Average percentage viewed.”

extended device type report in youtube studio channel analytics

Now we can see a different story. While Average view duration is longer for TV and Game console, these devices have zero clicks. This is because TV and Game console devices will not show your cards. If you are running a TrueView discovery campaign, you’ll be paying for those video

By: Joe Martinez
Title: 4 Incredibly Useful YouTube Studio Reports You Won’t Find in Google Ads
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