We’ve all been there. You have slots on your blog calendar to fill, but all your keyword research feels meh and all the titles on your to-do list feel uninspired. And if it’s boring you, it’ll bore your readers. You need some inspiration, sure, but more importantly, you need some unique blog ideas—fast.
In this post, we’re sharing how to stop waiting around for inspiration and start figuring out which post you’re going to write next. Here are eight ways to come up with unique blog ideas:
>Hold a brainstormCheck in on socialRead your commentsStart with your personasTalk with other teamsJump on new keywordsFocus on your competitorsUse an idea generator
Let’s get started.
8 tips and tools to generate unique blog ideas
Sometimes, keyword research doesn’t quite cut it. Maybe you want to talk about something that your readers wouldn’t know to search for. Maybe you want to target a small segment of your audience. Or perhaps you want to find another angle for a more traditional topic. Here are some methods you can use for more authentic content.
1. Hold a brainstorm
I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot of my workday sitting at my computer. When I’m not in a meeting or working on a blog post, I’m responding quickly to Slack, checking Google Analytics, sending emails, or digging into keyword research.
There’s not a lot of time for creative thinking. That’s why holding a brainstorm can be a great first step for coming up with unique blog ideas. The best brainstorming happens during generative, collaborative sessions where any ideas are on the table. That means unique topics and unexpected angles are bound to come up.
So whether you can set aside time with your team to focus on blog ideas or add some time to your next regular marketing meetings, be sure to brainstorm for ideas.
2. Check in on social
You can find out what your audience is talking about lately by checking out what they’re posting on social. This includes the big platforms, like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, as well as other social media networks, like Pinterest, Quora, or TikTok. You can check your tags and mentions to see what your following is saying about your business, and you can spend some time on your homepage. But to get even better, even more unique blog ideas, go a step further.
Look at posts from industry leaders and check any industry hashtags. Either way, be sure to spend some time scrolling through the comments, posts, and replise.
Digital advertising, for example, has #ppcchat. This hashtag thread has so many strategies, questions, and hot takes.
> By: Céillie Clark-Keane
Title: 8 Tricks to Come Up With Unique Blog Ideas—Fast!
Sourced From: www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2021/05/04/unique-blog-ideas
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