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Discussing Global humanitarian crises at IIITA-MUN

Intricate geopolitical relations, international bloc politics, elusive historic tragedies.

If any of these piques your interest as a student then the online edition of IIITA-MUN, the flagship Model United Nations Conference of Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, is just the place for you. Here, you can put up the role of a delegate representing a country in the UNGA committee and discuss the human rights situation in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

You would be researching, lobbying, discussing, and debating. You would also be testing your writing skills, public speaking, and presentation skills while cooperating with others to pass a resolution. Even more, you can also put in the shoes of a historic crisis committee character discussing the largest anthropogenic disaster in the history of humankind, the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident. With all the main characters in the committee, you can experience the events, which led to the disaster unfolding before you through discussions and accusations.

Join us on this two-day momentous thrill ride with great learning opportunities. Check our website for dates, registration, and other information.

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