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Plastic Packaging: A Good or Bad Thing?

There are so many arguments and discussions about plastic. The overall use of plastic and plastic packaging. But, what is the truth about this topic? Should we really go without plastic packaging, and what will happen to the products that we are buying, if they are using another packaging instead?

Here is the truth about plastic and plastic packaging. The things that we need to consider and know before we start removing plastic from our society. You might be surprised by this info. 

What happens without plastic packaging?

Yes, plastic is consuming our landfills and is lying everywhere. On the beaches, in rivers, and even in our streets. Many people are trying to ban plastic, especially plastic packing. Saying that there is enough other material that can be used for packing. But what will happen when we ban plastic completely?

Look at the food that is normally packed in plastic. What foods will you find within plastic containers?  That food can spoil easily. So, if we don’t make use of plastic anymore, we will need to replace this food on a more regular basis, because the food will spoil easier. Even when it comes to shipping food. It will be impossible to ship food internationally, without plastic containers. 

Why do we use plastic?

Why do we use plastic, and why do people want to ban it, if it’s so important to us? We are using plastic for many different reasons. 

  • Plastic is safer than other materials like glass. It is shatter resistant and doesn’t break. Keeping your product safer. Especially with products that children are using.
  • More hygienic. Plastic is making sure that the product isn’t getting contaminated with other products that can spoil the food easier. Plastic is also making sure that certain products are staying sterilized. Think about the sterile syringes that are packaged in plastic.
  • Without the food within the plastic, the container is lightweight. It doesn’t take much more weight than the actual product that is inside the plastic. Making shipping and transporting the product a lot easier. All plastic is lighter than cardboard or glass. 
  • It is recyclable. Did you know that you can recycle plastic so that it can be reused many times? People just need to realize that they should recycle plastic instead of throwing it around and in their garbage bins. 

Why do we need plastic packaging?

We discussed why we need plastic in general. Now, we are going to learn more about why plastic packaging is so important to our society. Why we actually can’t go without plastic, no matter what other people are saying about replacing plastic. Why do companies like Australia’s number one plastic manufacturer need to exist? 

Packaging that is made from plastic is protecting the products from damage. Especially when it comes to the transportation of our food. It is also protecting against damage that can be done by moisture, humidity, gases, insects, and light. 

Products last a lot longer when they are packaged in plastic. Think about milk, cooldrink, and other spoilable food. How long will it last if we store it in another container? It will cost you more money at the end of the day because you will need to replace the food a lot more often. 

Too much packaging?

Maybe there is too much plastic packaging? Are there any products where plastic packaging can be replaced? Yes, for sure there is plastic packaging that could have been replaced with something else. Our shopping bags are one product that can be changed to something else. It doesn’t need to give protection against food, or to avoid contamination. Other materials like paper can also be used instead of plastic. 

Just like the shopping bags, there are some other products that don’t need to be packed in plastic. We need to rethink how we are using plastic, and not just take the plastic packaging out of society completely. 

How can you help?

How can you help to prevent plastic pollution? There are a couple of things that we can do personally. First of all, you can recycle all plastic. There is no reason why you should throw away any plastic packaging. Then, if it doesn’t have an effect on the product, choose packaging that isn’t plastic. For example, take your own shopping bags to the store. 

Learn your children to prevent plastic pollution. Recycle and use plastic containers wisely. 

There are some really important reasons why we are using plastic. And, we can’t go without plastic packaging. Before you decide that plastic isn’t important and is only causing pollution, then you need to rethink your strategy. We need to promote recycling instead of replacing plastic. Plastic and plastic containers are making our lives easier and products cheaper. Keeping medical supplies sterile and preventing contamination. All things that are essential for our day-to-day living. 

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