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How AI is reshaping HR: 5 game-changing advantages

Artificial Intelligence has become an integral part of people’s lives in nearly every field. From Natural language processing to robotics and cloud computing, the features that AI offers are many. Based on the job and tasks at hand, AI can be utilised to complete them faster. It also reduces the unnecessary human labour that goes into any work and improves output and performance.

This multi-disciplinary use of AI allows anyone to leverage it to suit their needs. With tools that cater specifically to certain needs, such as data analytics, and chatbots among others. Especially in tasks that require a lot of manual data processing, the advanced algorithms in AI come in handy.

5 ways in which AI aids Human Resources (HR)

As HR professionals seek to streamline operations and enhance employee experiences, AI emerges as a pivotal ally. Let’s delve into the five pivotal ways in which AI is reshaping and elevating the HR domain.

Screening and recruitment

AI can be used to shortlist the ideal candidates with respect to job requirements. For instance, screening the resumes of your candidates and running them through a program that filters them out based on relevance; which can happen via specific keyword tracking.

Another option during recruitment is to automate repetitive tasks. Manually assessing each individual’s task might be tedious, but using AI allows you to spend more time and focus more on the ideal candidates for your company.

It also helps remove any personal bias that may creep in by generating objective responses and selections based on the keywords provided.

Background verification

One of the key processes of onboarding is background verification. With the safety and security of the company at stake, accurate background checking becomes crucial.

Quickly sifting through large amounts of data, such tools gather information regarding the applicants. San Francisco-based Checkr AI, Israel-based Intelligo AI and Bengaluru-based SpringWorks’ SpringVerify are some tools that can be utilised for this. However, it is also important to ensure that the human element isn’t lost in this entire process. Check the accuracy of these results to make decisions rather than let AI have the final word.


AI can also be used to create a personalised onboarding experience for new recruits. These include the introduction to the organisation, their work, and department, and also help in managing the initial communication such as welcoming, task allotment etc.

One such tool is Leena AI, which uses its virtual assistant to address the queries of the recruits. BambooHR on the other hand, uses a combination of features including tracking work hours, payments, tracking applications, hiring and data management.

Work or progress tracking

Utilising AI in HR also allows organisations to keep track of the progress of their employees. By analysing the various data patterns fed to the system, performance can be evaluated based on objective factors and personalised bias can be eliminated. This also allows employees to identify the areas that they require improvement in and act upon them. One such tool for project management is Notion AI.

Skill enhancement and training

In an ever-growing and changing digital space, it is important to keep up with the latest skills that can improve employee performance. AI-powered learning tools help users hone these skills by providing personalised training sessions that are tailor-made for them based on their learning ability, pace and requirements. It also provides personalised feedback that helps in growth. Eightfold AI, a talent intelligence platform is one such tool.

According to Eightfold AI’s 2022 Talent Survey, 69% of the HR departments used AI in Onboarding new employees, 73% used it for recruitment and hiring, 72% used it for performance management and 66% used it for Cross-skilling and reskilling employees.

Chatbots and virtual assistants

Chatbots help in automating various time-consuming manual processes and are used primarily for communication and queries that help people get immediate answers.  As and when further intervention is required, it can connect the user/employee to the HR person.

Employees can get assistance from HR chatbots which allows them to get clarification about any aspect of their work or company policies to get immediate responses throughout the day. There are plenty of HR chatbots for companies to choose from such as Smartbots AI and Leena AI.

Organisations should embrace the future of HR with AI. To stay ahead it is important to harness the power of technology to create a more efficient and effective HR landscape.

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