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Women at the forefront of innovation: A conversation with Monal Dhama, Kyndryl

Monal Dhama, Vice President, Strategy and Integration, CIC India, Kyndryl Consult, emphasises the need to create a culture of inclusivity and diversity to help women in tech reach their full potential.

“Innovation is coming out of the situation in the best possible way, with what tools you may have. You may not have time to develop tools, you may not have time to find solutions. And that’s where innovation comes in; you become one with your team, your people and your clients to create something new,” said Dhama, during her session at SheSparks 2024.

Innovation is akin to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle; you don’t always need all the pieces at the start, but sometimes you just need one or two that fit perfectly to see the bigger picture. This analogy by renowned businessman and author Edward Conrad encapsulates the essence of innovation.

At SheSparks 2024, Dhama, a seasoned professional with over two decades in the technology sector, spoke about how women have a knack for finding the most optimal and creative ways to drive innovation.

Navigating the dotcom boom: Dhama’s early career highlights

Dhama’s career, spanning 20 years in a field marked by constant evolution, is filled with moments of brilliance and on-the-job learning. Recalling her experiences, she highlighted two standout moments. The first was during the dotcom boom of 2000 when she found herself in a startup in London. With little direction or a clear understanding of what lay ahead, Dhama became part of a culture of rapid learning and relentless innovation. She described this period as incredibly exciting, learning in two years something that would typically take five to 10 years.

Another significant moment came when she took on a new role involving a large-scale project that was behind schedule and had to be delivered within strict timelines. Despite the daunting challenge, Dhama, alongside her team, navigated through the complexities to deliver the project successfully.

She emphasised that such experiences, where one navigates and excels in uncharted territories, are the true highlights of her career.

When asked to define innovation, Dhama offered a pragmatic view. Innovation, she said, arises from necessity—the mother of all inventions. It’s about finding the best possible solution with resources at hand, often without the luxury of time to develop new tools or seek existing solutions. Innovation, according to her, is about collective problem-solving and the courage to make mistakes and learn from them.

Addressing women’s challenges in male-dominated sectors like technology, Dhama reflected on her journey during the early 2000s when technology was relatively nascent in India. Advising women to surround themselves with knowledgeable and positive individuals, she credits her success to staying invested in her career, constantly learning, and embracing challenging situations.

“You need to make sure you are ready to learn, throw yourself in challenging situations, and not be afraid. I believe that if you are not afraid to fail, you will be ready to learn more and take challenges,” she added.

Dhama also shared how Kyndryl, a young company, is fostering innovation led by women. The company’s commitment to being an employer of choice is evident through its policies and transparent communication. Many leadership roles and key initiatives, such as alliances with major hyperscalers, are spearheaded by women. This approach instils confidence and underscores the company’s dedication to empowering women in technology.

Embracing challenges and staying invested

For young women entrepreneurs and founders seeking mentorship and support, Dhama’s advice is to stay energised and share their ideas with the right people. She emphasised the importance of ideation forums and mentorship from industry experts to foster and nurture ideas. It’s crucial, she noted, to not let those ideas go to waste but to actively pursue and develop them.

Dhama also highlighted the role of fitness in enhancing innovation. For her, fitness is a way of life and a means to take control of oneself. It’s about maintaining physical, mental, and social well-being, which collectively contribute to alertness, focus, and creativity—essential components of innovation.

Reflecting on her most challenging moments, Dhama pointed out that fear of failure has been a significant hurdle. However, with a supportive family and psychological safety net, she learned to embrace failure as part of the journey. This mindset has been crucial in her continuous pursuit of excellence and innovation.

Dhama’s journey underscores the pivotal role women play in driving innovation. Her experiences and insights offer valuable lessons for aspiring innovators and entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of staying invested, embracing challenges, and finding inspiration in the everyday.

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