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Can restaurants ditch aggregators and deliver success themselves?

The online food delivery boom has been a game-changer for both restaurants and consumers. It’s fantastic how convenience is at our fingertips. With just a few taps, a world of culinary delights arrives at our doorstep. This revolution wouldn’t have been possible without the emergence of delivery aggregator platforms like Zomato and Swiggy. 

But the system isn’t perfect because these platforms have become dominant forces and take a sizeable cut out of each order. This begs the question: can restaurants truly thrive in the long run while relying on these middlemen?

There’s no denying that the reach of aggregators is massive, and the customer bases and complex algorithms they have, to ensure high order volumes for restaurants, are fantastic. But this convenience comes at a cost. Restaurants often face high commission charges that eat into their already tight profit margins. Moreover, aggregators control how customers experience the restaurant, keeping valuable data under wraps and making it difficult to build customer loyalty for individual brands.   

A sustainable direct delivery model

There’s a very beneficial solution i.e., the direct online delivery model. This can allow restaurants to take back control of their online presence along with other benefits. 

Firstly, eliminating hefty commission fees directly increases profit margins. Secondly, direct delivery allows restaurants to curate their own brand experience. They can control menus, pricing, and promotions, fostering a deeper connection with their customers. By this, they can own customer data and enable targeted marketing campaigns, building long-term loyalty. 

The success of direct online delivery requires strategic planning. Investing in a user-friendly online ordering platform is crucial for a seamless experience. Developing efficient in-house delivery logistics or partnering with reliable third-party services keeps the orders flowing. 

However, customer acquisition requires effort. Leveraging social media and digital marketing strategies is key to reaching new audiences. Finally, loyalty programmes encourage repeat business, fostering a thriving community of loyal patrons. 

Real-world success stories: paving the way

Several restaurants have successfully transitioned away from dependence on aggregators.  For instance, take La Pinoz, a popular pizza chain that built a loyal customer base by implementing a user-friendly online ordering platform, likely leveraging solutions offered by online delivery tech providers. Additionally, La Pinoz employed targeted social media marketing to reach new customers. 

Similarly, another thriving pizza establishment, Tossin Pizza created a seamless online ordering experience and offered exclusive deals directly to customers, effectively bypassing the aggregators. 

These examples showcase the immense potential for restaurants to flourish with a direct online delivery model.

The future of restaurant delivery

While aggregators will undoubtedly continue to play a role, the future of online food delivery seems to be tilting towards a more empowered restaurant landscape. By embracing direct online delivery models, restaurants can not only survive but also thrive in a competitive space. Investing in technology, building strong customer relationships, and utilising the power of data will be the cornerstones of success. 

With breakthrough solutions by online delivery tech providers offering a suite of restaurant-focused tools, restaurants are well-equipped to make way for the future of online food delivery—a future where they are empowered to deliver not just delicious food but also operate a thriving and sustainable business.

Tools for direct restaurant delivery

With the progression of technology, the providers of SaaS products for the restaurant industry today offer a comprehensive suite of tools designed to empower restaurants in the direct delivery space.

Branded mobile app development: Tech platforms can help restaurants create a branded mobile ordering app for an experience tailored entirely to their requirements. This empowers restaurants to get complete control over the customer journey, from browsing menus to placing orders. With a brand-specific mobile ordering app, restaurants can showcase their brand personality, highlight special offers, and collect valuable customer data directly. 

Logistics management: A robust logistics management platform is designed to streamline delivery operations. A critical aspect of direct online delivery is ensuring timely and smooth order fulfilment. The technology allows restaurants to optimise delivery routes, track riders in real time, and manage rider schedules efficiently. In addition to ensuring timely order fulfilment, an efficient logistics management platform can significantly reduce operational costs and ultimately lead to happier customers.

Marketing automation: Tech platforms offer a powerful marketing automation and customer retention suite designed to help restaurants build strong customer relationships. They allow restaurants to create targeted marketing campaigns across various social media platforms, personalise email marketing efforts, and manage loyalty programmes effectively. Fostering deeper customer connections, these tools empower restaurants to drive repeat business and build a loyal following. 

By investing in user-friendly online ordering platforms, efficient delivery systems, and targeted marketing strategies, restaurants can reclaim control of their brand experience, boost their bottom line, and cultivate loyal customer bases. This shift paves the way for a more sustainable and rewarding future for restaurants, allowing them to reclaim control of their brand and truly connect with their customers. 

The author is Founder & CEO of uEngage, ONDC’s F&B seller app, which strives to provide efficient ordering solutions tailored for hyperlocal businesses.

Edited by Swetha Kannan

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)

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