Microsegmentation, PMF experiments and personalized shopping – TechCrunch

Growth marketing (TC+) 3 experiments for early-stage founders seeking product-market fit: Elise King, director of Human Ventures’ entrepreneur-in-residence program and member of the firm’s investment team, spoke with founders and…

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Stealth recruiting, virtual sales kickoffs, Google Cloud’s Q4 – TechCrunch

Traditionally, companies hold in-person sales kickoffs (SKOs) in January and February to network, educate sales teams about new products and devise strategies for the year ahead. These days, the convention…

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Should tech bootcamps keep using job placement metrics in their advertising? – TechCrunch

Coding bootcamp Nucamp will no longer publish job placement metrics in its advertising materials, a move that CEO Ludovic Fourrage is making to rebuild student trust in the industry. “Students…

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