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Fuelling ambitions: Unveiling success stories ahead of 10th edition of The Big Billion Days

Ecommerce has forever altered the way we shop. What started as a convenience has evolved into a thriving industry that shows no signs of slowing down. This transformation has not only reshaped consumer behaviour but also presented unprecedented opportunities for businesses of all sizes. One of the defining characteristics of this trend is the emergence of seller conclaves events.

Ahead of the 10th installment of Flipkart’s The Big Billion Days (BBD), Flipkart Seller Hub successfully organised an extensive series of seller conclaves in several major cities, including Delhi, Surat, Jaipur, Agra, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and Kolkata. These conclaves received an exceptionally enthusiastic response, with participation from over 4,500 entrepreneurs who actively engaged in a variety of informative sessions. They have been instrumental in providing entrepreneurs with valuable insights, growth strategies, and essential skills needed to meet the continually increasing demands of over 450 million customers.

In tandem with these conclaves, Flipkart Samarth stands as another formidable initiative. This programme, designed to provide a platform for underrepresented communities such as artisans and craftsmen, empowers them to showcase their products to a wider audience. Through Flipkart Samarth, these sellers receive a spectrum of support ranging from training to cataloguing assistance and marketing guidance. This initiative has been instrumental in bridging the digital divide, enabling sellers from diverse backgrounds to harness the immense potential of e-commerce.

The combination of seller conclaves and Flipkart Samarth exemplifies Flipkart’s dedication to fostering an inclusive and thriving e-commerce ecosystem. By offering a platform for both established entrepreneurs and those from marginalised communities, these initiatives not only contribute to the success of TBBD but also propel long-term sustainable growth for sellers across the spectrum.

As we delve into the stories of small-scale sellers like Khushi Singhal, Mani and Kapil Marwaha, Praveen Kumar, and Manish Sankhla, their participation at the seller conclaves is an ode to the transformative impact that BBD has on businesses, small and large.

Meet the sellers

Khushi Singhal, Party Breeze: Turning birthday dreams into reality

Fuelling ambitions: Unveiling success stories ahead of 10th edition of The Big Billion Days

In the heart of Delhi, 20-year-old Khushi Singhal, a third-year BMS student at Delhi University, has set a remarkable example of entrepreneurship. Founder of Party Breeze under the seller name Dhanvi Store, Khushi specialises in crafting unique birthday decoration combos. These sets allow customers to effortlessly DIY their birthday party decorations, with rose gold-themed adornments being the current crowd favourite.

Khushi’s journey on Flipkart started with a modest investment of Rs 7,000 loaned from her parents, leading to 15-20 orders per day. Fast forward to today, she manages a staggering 9,000-12,000 orders per month.

Flipkart Seller Hub played a pivotal role, guiding her from the very inception. With incentives tied to sales performance, Khushi found herself propelled forward, offering competitive prices to stay ahead in the market.

She is now gearing up for this year’s BBD. Anticipating a surge in demand, Khushi has taken proactive steps to meet customer expectations. One of the key strategies involves increasing her stock levels, ensuring that she’s well prepared to fulfill the anticipated rise in orders.

Khushi is not only counting on her own efforts, but she’s also looking to Flipkart to play a crucial role in the success of the event. She has high expectations from the platform, trusting that the ecommerce platform will provide the necessary support and resources to facilitate a smooth and successful BBD.

She is hoping to achieve at least 20,000 orders this month in anticipation of BBD. This ambitious goal reflects Khushi’s confidence in the potential for growth and success that the event offers to sellers like herself.

Mani Marwaha and Kapil Marwaha, Pampy Angel: Fashioning footwear with precision

Fuelling ambitions: Unveiling success stories ahead of 10th edition of The Big Billion Days

Brothers Mani and Kapil Marwaha, Co-founders of Pampy Angel under the seller name Fashion Angel, specialise in slippers and casual footwear. This Delhi-based duo operates with a two-pronged approach: a manufacturing unit and a dispatch unit. While Kapil ensures seamless daily operations, Mani focuses on marketing and design, utilising his expertise to stay attuned to market trends.

Having transitioned from a family-owned offline business, the Marwaha brothers recognised the potential of online sales through Flipkart. Their brand, Pampy Angel, has become synonymous with quality and style, garnering a strong organic customer base over the years.

Having been a part of BBD for six years now, their brand has gained significant visibility on the platform. With a solid customer base built over the years, Mani and Kapil have seen the power of brand loyalty firsthand.

Reflecting on their journey, the duo recall their first Big Billion Days with a mix of astonishment and excitement. The sheer volume of orders surpassed their expectations, setting the stage for future successes. Subsequent years saw them better prepared, yet still grappling with the demand, prompting them to make even better preparations for this year’s event.

As they gear up for their upcoming Big Billion Days, Mani and Kapil are optimistic about what lies ahead. They hope for another surge in sales, aiming to surpass their previous achievements. Their journey is a testament to the power of persistence, adaptability, and leveraging the opportunities that events like TBBD present to sellers.

Praveen Kumar, AF Collection: Crafting T-shirt trends

Fuelling ambitions: Unveiling success stories ahead of 10th edition of The Big Billion Days

Praveen Kumar, who operates AF Collection under the seller name Asma Fashion, has perfected the art of selling T-shirts online. With a solid foundation in the CBSE board and a graduation degree, Praveen ventured into the world of ecommerce recognising the potential it held. His partnership with Flipkart proved transformative, thanks to a highly effective account manager and participation in several promotions.

Praveen talked about the importance of offering high-quality products with detailed descriptions for online success. With a dedicated team of 20 workers, he ensures that inventory aligns with demand. As The Big Billion Days approaches, Praveen’s meticulous planning ensures that he’s well prepared to meet the anticipated surge in orders.

Manish Sankhla, Travelpoint: The backpack maestro

Fuelling ambitions: Unveiling success stories ahead of 10th edition of The Big Billion Days

Building on his father’s legacy, 18-year-old Manish Sankhla established Travelpoint under the seller name Sankhla Industries. In just two years, his business has witnessed exponential growth, evolving from 100 backpacks a month to an impressive monthly sales figure of 3,000 backpacks.

With The Big Billion Days on the horizon, Manish has set ambitious goals, aiming to sell a staggering 20,000 pieces per month. His unwavering determination and commitment to quality have paved the way for his remarkable success.

Lessons learned

The stories of Khushi, Mani and Kapil, Praveen, and Manish are a testament to the boundless opportunities that ecommerce platforms like Flipkart offer to small-scale sellers. Their journeys reflect the potential for growth, provided one is armed with passion, dedication, and a quality product.

As the 10th edition of The Big Billion Days approaches, these sellers are poised for a surge in demand, with preparations and strategies in place to meet the rising expectations. With Flipkart as their partner in this journey, the sky’s the limit for these enterprising individuals. The future holds the promise of even greater success, as they continue to innovate and expand their businesses in the dynamic ecommerce landscape.

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