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How can startups use storytelling to engage customers and build a brand?

Creating a strong brand is a complicated process for startups. Every business must appear unique and different from its competitors, with a distinct voice across its channels. 

So, how can a company stand out in the crowded startup ecosystem? The answer is simple—through storytelling.

Storytelling is a powerful marketing tool that helps companies develop a bond with their customers. Let’s understand the significance of storytelling in brand marketing

What is brand storytelling?

Brand storytelling shows a company’s prospective customers how it came into existence. It fulfils the purpose of creating an emotional connection with the audience while also displaying the brand’s core values and goals. A good and genuine brand story can get the trust of your audience. 

Importance of storytelling for startups 

As a new business, a plethora of competitors stand in between you and your audience claiming to have better product value. Therefore, connecting with your audience with a unique story helps brands stand out among your competitors.

You’ve already made progress if you show customers that doing business with you is far different from your competitors. 

According to a 2019 survey by Edelman, a majority of respondents said they would not buy a brand’s product unless they trust it. This piece of data shows how a brand story is correlated to consumer behaviour and how you can leverage it to gain sales. 

Why do startups struggle with storytelling?  

In its essence, startups are new businesses, still in the budding stage. And, it is tough to clearly understand the brand when the business is fairly new.

It is precisely why startups somewhere struggle to voice their brands and engage with their audience. It is like a ship moving without any direction, and they need to focus on their brand and storytelling besides product development.

For example, knowing the company’s vision or identifying the unique features of the business helps founders to formulate the perfect startup story—which can become the core branding material to highlight the brand’s USP and attract customers.

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Social Media

Brand building

So, how can your startup use storytelling to build a brand?

Make a story

First, you need to curate a story about your company. Start by asking questions such as:

  • What are your startup’s unique features?
  • How did your company start? 
  • What problems do you solve? Why do they matter? 

Remember to highlight them and form a narrative. 

Keep it authentic

Your startup story should represent your business clearly. You need to ensure it is authentic and has no misinformation or manipulation of data points. Having an honest and inspiring story will impress your target audience. 

Put emotions at its core

Emotions play a key role in storytelling. Your brand story needs to have an emotional connection to engage with your audience. Avoid adding negative elements. 


How likely are you to remember a story you read? Not many. But the ones that we found the most relatable are the ones we tend to remember the most. You need to highlight the points that resonate with your audience to help correlate your brand’s story with their own. 

Tips for startup storytelling

You can follow these effective tips to ensure your startup story is a success. 

  1. Keep things simple: Avoid adding complex statements or words to describe your brand story. It is better to convey the message in a simple manner.
  2. Have clear goals: While curating your startup story, focus on your goal. For instance, what do you want your customers to remember from the story? It will help you draft a clear brand story.
  3. Make it visually pleasing: Aesthetics is a major part of online content, and your business should incorporate it. It will help users click through your story and increase the chances of them becoming your customers. 
  4. Promote it: Only publishing the startup story on the website won’t do the job. You need to spread the word on social media platforms to effectively reach your target audience. 


The key to making a suitable brand is understanding the core elements of your company. While initially, it’s not easy to identify your brand voice or individuality, you can build your brand through your success story or achievements and allow the world to know about your business. 

Edited by Suman Singh

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