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How Companies Win with Employee Advocacy

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Episode Summary

A company’s employees are its most valuable assets. A workforce that is happy, productive, and engaged leads to growth, retention, and an incredibly strong company culture.

But many B2B organizations today are not fully tapping into the true potential of their colleagues – and for good reason, it’s not easy. However, in a world driven by digital and social media, employee advocacy is becoming an essential tool in every marketer’s toolbelt.

Joining the Radically Transparent podcast is Joe Morris, Head of Social Media and Employee Advocacy at Capgemini, a global leader in partnering with companies to transform and manage their business by harnessing the power of technology

Throughout the episode, Joe dives into how he has rolled out a successful program at Capgemini. He confesses that maintaining an advocacy program isn’t always smooth sailing and even reveals some of the challenges he’s faced getting his colleagues to want to be part of such an initiative.

Joe also explains why it’s important to get the business to support, understand and prioritize the program from a top-down approach and how he continues to maintain excitement in the program to keep advocates sharing.

Hot Topics of this Episode Include:

  • The biggest challenge when leading an advocacy program and how to overcome it
  • How to measure the success and impact of an advocacy program on the business
  • Powerful reporting methods to share with employee advocates to keep them engaged quarter over quarter

Meet Joe

Joe Morris is the Head of Social Media and Employee Advocacy at Capgemini.

He started his professional career as a copy editor, learning how to perfect a message so it reaches its intended audience; twenty-plus years later, his job is still basically the same, albeit in formats that were unimaginable back then.

Joe has a passion for social media. It’s constantly evolving: algorithms get updated, audience expectations change, new features arrive, and trends come and go; what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow. Organic or paid, Instagram Story or LinkedIn Live, micro-influencer or employee advocates – there is a myriad of options available today.

When Joe isn’t thinking about social media strategy, employee advocacy, or paid media tactics, you can find him hanging out with his family or admiring his record collection.

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