‘Skills will be the new currency in the post-pandemic world’ – 20 quotes from India’s COVID-19 struggle

Launched in 2014, StoryBites is a weekly feature from YS, featuring notable quotable quotes in our articles of this past week. This special series of compilations focuses on India’s COVID-19…

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How Bandhan Bank is putting power in the hands of millions of women across India

"Whoever controls the finances, controls the family, the society, and even the country." With this realisation, gender equity champion and Bandhan Bank Founder Chandra Shekhar Ghosh set out on a…

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Band of angel investors in Indian startup ecosystem grows and with it, angel investments hit new record

For long, angel investments in the Indian startup ecosystem have largely been driven by the bets made by successful entrepreneurs and tech executives, as startups were viewed by many potential…

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Bengaluru-based neobanking startup Finin wants to help you ‘save, invest, manage’ money easily

Going to the bank has become passé, courtesy of the many digital banks that have cropped up over the last couple of years. The rise of neobanking has taken this…

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