TranscribeGlass is a pair of special glasses that helps people who have trouble hearing. It was made by two students, Madhav Lavakare and Tom Pritsky, from Yale and Stanford universities. These glasses use technology to show what people are saying in words, right on the lens. Think of it as having subtitles for real-life talks!
Why Was It Created?
Madhav wanted to find a way to help his friend who had to leave school because he couldn’t hear well. He knew that hearing aids are costly and not perfect for everyone. So, he started thinking about a new, affordable way to help. Tom, who also has some hearing issues, liked the idea and teamed up with Madhav to create these glasses.
How Did They Make It?
At first, it was hard for them to get money and support for their project. But in 2020, they got help from a big tech school in India and even some grants from the governments of India and the U.S. This support helped them make TranscribeGlass a reality.
How Does it Work?
These glasses are special because they can take what people are saying and turn it into words that show up on the glass lens. And the best part? They made it cheap! The first versions are being sold for just $55. The final version, coming out soon, will cost around $95. That’s a lot cheaper than most hearing aids or implants, which can cost thousands of dollars.
What’s the Buzz?
A video showing how the glasses work got millions of views on TikTok. People are really excited about it. The company has even started making the first 150 pairs that people ordered. Tom called the glasses “subtitles for real life,” and many people think that’s a great way to describe them.
Transcribe Glass is a game-changer. It’s an affordable and easy-to-use tool that helps people with hearing loss join in on conversations. And it’s all thanks to two students who wanted to make life a little easier for those who struggle to hear.