Launched in 2014, StoryBites is a weekly feature from YourStory, featuring notable quotable quotes in our articles of this past week (see the previous edition here). This special series of compilations focuses on India’s COVID-19 struggle. Share these quotes and excerpts with your networks, and check back to the original articles for more insights.
See also our pick of Top Quotes of 2022 on Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Investments, Women Changemakers, Social Entrepreneurs, Environmental Change, Pandemic Resilience, Digital Transformation, India Opportunities, Design, Art, Failure Lessons, and Storytelling.

After the pandemic, organisations are dealing with a distributed workforce, adoption of mobile technologies, and seeing a change in employee demographics. – Vikas Kakkar,
A wave started during the pandemic, digital inclusion shows no sign of abating. Digital transformation is now a way of life for every business. – Ratish Pandey, Ethique Advisory
COVID-19 has sped up the data-driven world, regardless of region or industry. – Jordan Morrow, ‘Be Data Driven’
The pandemic forced chefs to look inwards. Renewed focus on regional and indigenous cuisines and ingredients is on the rise. – Prahlad Sukthankar, SAF
During this challenging post-COVID environment, their efforts [of responsible financial institutions for education loans] are more important than ever. – Joshua Moraczewski, MicroVest
Global growth is forecast to slow from 6% in 2021 to 3.2% in 2022 and 2.7% in 2023. This is the weakest growth profile since 2001 except for the global financial crisis and the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. – IMF

We had plans of expanding to other parts of India, but that got delayed because of COVID. – Arundeep Singla, Alcostar Group
During the pandemic, I prepared over 50 paintings. – Rajeshwar Nannuta, Chitra Santhe
The apparent failure of the hybrid work model in improving women’s participation in the workforce is because it overlooked important social conditioning and biases. – Akshay Raje, InterviewBit
We need women’s full economic participation to actually lead an inclusive recovery from the COVID pandemic. – Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State
Caregiving has been identified as the primary cause of women’s exodus from the workforce en masse, especially in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. – Bhavna Toor, Shenomics & Shravani Prakash, elleNomics
COVID-19 has colonised the human species and shown us the tensions and weaknesses in systems made by humans. – Alok Nandi, Architempo

India needs to invest more in public health and build nationwide capacity to face future pandemics like COVID-19. Only one or two districts out of 700 in India have dedicated epidemiologists who can discern viruses. – Swati Piramal, Piramal Group
[COVID-19 vaccination] was all possible because of the leadership of our central government, our state governments, healthcare workers, manufacturers, all of whom worked together with one common goal. – Adar Poonawalla, SII
The pandemic brought remarkable progress in the development and delivery of medicines. We now need to focus on long-term system change to stop health services deteriorating in the face of economic crises. – Shyam Bishen, WEF
YourStory has also published the pocketbook ‘Proverbs and Quotes for Entrepreneurs: A World of Inspiration for Startups’ as a creative and motivational guide for innovators (downloadable as apps here: Apple, Android).