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The power of generative AI: Personalising digital experience platforms

In the era of digital transformation, personalisation is key to creating meaningful and engaging customer experiences. According to a study by McKinsey, personalised experiences can boost customer satisfaction by up to 20% and increase conversion rates by 10-15%.

Generative AI is at the forefront of this revolution, enabling digital experience platforms (DXPs) to deliver highly personalised interactions that resonate with individual users.

Dynamic personalisation in real-time

Generative AI dynamically adjusts content based on individual user behaviour. AI can recommend products, articles, or services tailored to a user’s past interactions. However, a challenge is making AI-generated content relevant to specific audiences.

Currently, generative AI pulls from the whole internet rather than a brand’s assets, resulting in generic content. Ensuring AI uses brand-specific content aligns the voice with the brand, making digital experiences more personal for customers.

When we can ensure AI pulls from the brand’s content, we can align the voice with the brand, making digital experiences more personal for customers. With generative AI, DXPs can adjust the user experience on the fly based on current user behaviour, whether it’s presenting personalised product recommendations, tailoring email content, or adjusting website layouts. 

This responsiveness ensures that customers receive relevant and engaging content whenever they interact with the platform.

Harnessing behavioural insights

Generative AI excels at analysing vast amounts of data to uncover patterns in user behaviour, preferences, and interactions. By harnessing these behavioural insights, DXPs can create personalised experiences that guide users toward specific goals. AI algorithms can track a user’s browsing history, click patterns, and engagement levels to predict their interests and preferences.

A prime example is Carvana, an online platform for buying and selling used cars. Carvana creates personalised videos for customers using advanced machine learning technology. Each video is unique, highlighting the date, location, and various cultural and vehicle specifics, emphasising the special connection drivers have with their cars. This innovative use of AI strengthens customer bonds and celebrates the Carvana community.

Enhanced customer segmentation

AI-driven personalisation allows for hyper-personalisation, segmenting users based on specific characteristics and behaviours. This enables businesses to deliver highly targeted content and offers. Generative AI also helps localise digital experiences via translations, ensuring accessibility and relevance to a global audience. This localisation capability allows businesses to expand into new markets without the cost of hiring additional writers.

Interactive and engaging experiences

Generative AI enhances user engagement by providing interactive and personalised experiences. AI-driven content recommendations, personalised notifications, and interactive elements like quizzes and polls keep users engaged and encourage them to spend more time on the platform.

Furthermore, AI can analyse user feedback and sentiment in real time, allowing businesses to make immediate adjustments to their digital strategies.

Unlocking scalability

Generative AI helps businesses scale efficiently as they grow and reach new markets. By automating the translation and personalisation of content, AI ensures consistent brand voice and high-quality digital experiences across different regions, fostering global growth and customer satisfaction.

Generative AI is revolutionising personalisation in digital experience platforms. By harnessing behavioural insights, enabling real-time content adjustments, enhancing customer segmentation, and creating interactive, personalised experiences, AI transforms user engagement.

As businesses integrate these technologies, the potential for exceptional and individualised digital experiences grows. Leveraging generative AI helps businesses meet and exceed user expectations, driving satisfaction, loyalty, and growth in the digital age.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)

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