Tips On How To Make An Effective Commercial For Your Business

In today’s world of business, there are many more mediums on which to advertise to your customers than just the TV and radio. The internet opens up a world of advertising potential as video advertisements, banner, and image advertisements can be shown on almost every major search engine and their wide network of affiliate partner websites. 

While having many mediums to advertise is great and all, you still need a good advertisement to show to your potential customers. One of the most effective ways to advertise to potential customers and clients is through video advertising. Whether you use a video production New York company or the video software that came with your computer, here are some tips on how to create an effective commercial for your business. 

Clear Brand Representation

Too many companies make the mistake of not taking enough time to properly brand the commercial. Make sure to spend enough time working on both visual and verbal cues, your logo, and your company name to make it very clear to whoever is viewing the video that your company is behind the ad. Don’t wait until the very end of the commercial to show off your brand. Instead, be more creative and tasteful about it. 

Create A Theme

Creating a theme or series of commercials can help to reinforce the brand. For example, Geico with its gecko character ties all of the ads together with a familiar character that instantly helps you recognize the brand. Flo with Progressive is another good example of this. If you are planning on making multiple commercials over time, coming up with a consistent character or theme will help to root the viewer into your brand and help build brand recognition over time. 

Have A Storyline

Memorable commercials just don’t show off a product, but they tell a story. This story can be sad, heartfelt, funny, or satirical. By having a story element to your ad, you can connect with your audience on an emotional level, which will help them to better remember the ad and your brand. Superbowl commercials are a great example of how storylines can be used in video advertisements to help them be more memorable. 

Don’t Be Too Complicated

With a video ad, you really only have 30 seconds on average to get your message across. For internet video commercials, the time can be even less, so it’s important to get your message out as quickly as possible in a memorable way. This means that you need to do everything you can to keep the message and storyline simple enough for someone to quickly follow what you are trying to portray in a matter of seconds. This is where the power of imagery comes in as video imagery can tell a story in mere seconds compared to written or image ad formats.

High-Production Quality

Nothing turns off viewers faster than poor production quality. This is where hiring a professional Connecticut video production company can really make things easy for you. Production companies have high-quality equipment such as cameras, microphones, lighting, and other crew to help the process go faster and look better in post-production. Production companies also have directors and editors to help everything go smoothly when the video hits the cutting room floor.

As you can see, these tips will help you to create a simple, and memorable commercial for your business. With video advertising being one of the most effective advertising methods on the internet with platforms like Youtube, Snapchat, and Instagram; following these tips will help you to see the most success in your video production advertising endeavors. 

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