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The perception and level of consumer demand has changed. They are now bombarded with thousands of marketing pieces, every second, and this has left them incredulous and questioning if before what was in the media was true, but now they want to be part of the media.

If your marketing does not bring engagement, your consumers will stop paying attention, and your efforts will go down.
The, traditional marketing is not prepared to deal with this new customer. It used be made out of 3 areas.



The first area was product age, the focus was on the development of functional products and making the mass products. Second area was age of consumers, the focus shifted to meet and satisfy the consumer through segmentation, and the 3rd area, the current one is values era, the focus has shifted to recognizing that the consumer is more than just a buyer, the consumer has other collective environmental needs and seeks more then just being a buyer.

Now the Internet and social networks have created a new era where customers communicate with global reach, and this calls for a new type of marketing for a new kind of customer consumers. All this is a problem. But It is also an excellent opportunity to resolve the issue.

After all, every marketers, also a consumer of products and services and consumers need to know that they also practice marketing in their daily lives by persuading and influencing other consumers marketing is not just something that marketers do for consumers marketing also happens from consumer to consumer, because, unlike before today people no longer sit on the couch and just consume news entertainment and ideas, they are actively participating in everything that happens, not as spectators but as actors as well.

Technology has transformed the consumer. This change occurred because of the development of technologies that allow us to interact with others easily
quickly, and because these technologies have become much cheaper and accessible with the growth of social networks, open source software also enables more and more collaboration.

Today digital collaboration platforms can be divided into two categories expressive blogs Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and other channels through which people share personal points of view.

This growth in social networks has transformed the way we do marketing, especially in digital and has made consumers rely more on people in these networks than on TV ads and banners on the sites they visit that has made classic advertising methods obsolete and increasingly leads companies to engage in social networks, including using collaborative platforms to create products with their consumers, embracing co creation.

Although this is still a not so large sector of the economy, they are multipliers and thus have a significant influence on the formation of customer opinions, creative professionals have sophisticated desires, and look for new ways to utilize products in this new world value such as making the world a better place, finding a purpose for their lives being happy and spiritual become more important than the desire to consume.

For a business that wants to be successful in marketing needs to approach creative professionals and embrace them in their product creation strategy, the new way of creating products is based on the collaboration of companies consumers suppliers and interconnected partners and an Innovation Network. It is the accumulation of individual experiences of each of them, that creates a greater value for the product, so it is necessary to be attentive to this transformation.

Modern Marketing needs to connect with individuals in these spheres: Mental one, Physical, Spiritual and Emotional one.
traditional marketing, only connects with the customer through their mind, the memory of a brand and the emotional trying to create emotions through advertising messages.

the rational and the spiritual side tend to be forgotten and become essential and the new marketing we all live in also needs to work on the spiritual side of the consumer. It is necessary to create high trust in the brand, and to position itself as something genuinely aligned with the purpose of consumers.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand that three eyes of a brand identity. It is based on how the brand communicates itself to people, and how they perceive those identifying attributes brand integrity. It is based on how much people trust and align with your brand image.

It is based on how people see their brand, through their own impressions. To define the three eyes and show their commitment to a purpose, it must define a mission, vision, and clear values that resonate with the consumers wishes.
Most people seek to make the world a better place, and must satisfy their spiritual vision.

That is why your business should find a purpose, a goal more significant than just profits to actually create a corporate soul that connects with the customer. The mission of your marketing should represent a basic purpose.

Finally, your business needs to define its values. What attitudes guide the day to day business, the behavior of people, and the type of attitudes with which you communicate to consumers, communicate your mission. It is crucial for customers to know that your business connects to causes and a greater purpose.

Therefore, your mission should transform the lives of customers.
And for this to happen, one does produce innovations at all times that really changed people’s lives. However, a mission is not enough, It is necessary that your marketing can build a story, and narrative that communicates its purpose.

When a brand is accepted by customers, it ceases to be the exclusive property of the company. It becomes part of the people’s lives, and this story happens to be the popular domain, people want to hear and believe in your purpose, and you can reinforce it all the time through your marketing.

Focus on the long term, it is essential to maintain long term focus and consistency with your mission, vision, and values, and your strategy needs to be visionary, and aligned with a desired future, because a management that focuses only on short term goals is blind, and can end up generating disastrous results.

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