The Best Of Health And Fitness Come Together Perfectly With The New OPPO Band- Technology News, FP

FP StudioMar 12, 2021 23:04:25 IST Say hello to the latest wearable in town. Coming close on the heels of OPPO Watch is the OPPO Band Style that’s sure to…

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TaxDown banks ~$3M for tech that helps people get their taxes done – TechCrunch

Madrid-based TaxDown, which automates income tax filing by calculating regional deductions due to users so they don’t have to navigate complex tax rules themselves, has raised €2.4 million (~$3M) in…

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Turnaround strategies for business continuity in the post-COVID-world

“For some organisations, near-term survival is the only agenda item. Others are peering through the fog of uncertainty, thinking about how to position themselves once the crisis has passed and…

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