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Coforge Introduces Next-Gen AI Platform for Enhanced Enterprise Capabilities

In an exciting development for the IT industry, Coforge has unveiled its groundbreaking Gen AI platform, named ‘Quasar’. This platform aims to fortify the AI capabilities of enterprises, marking a significant step towards the integration of AI in business operations.

At the heart of Quasar is its rich library of over 100 APIs, ready for seamless integration. This suite of APIs is not just expansive but is also designed to cater to a multitude of use cases. As businesses today gravitate towards automation and intelligent solutions, Coforge’s Quasar seems poised to lead the way.

What sets Quasar apart is its emphasis on a modular and scalable architectural design. With an impressive lineup of more than 100 pre-built cognitive and generative use cases, it provides enterprises with the flexibility to craft unique, out-of-the-box solutions. This means businesses no longer have to reinvent the wheel; instead, they can leverage Quasar’s powerful features to drive innovation.

Furthermore, the platform shines a spotlight on governance. By establishing a robust framework that encompasses process governance, API governance, and model governance, Quasar ensures that every facet of its operations maintains the highest standard of accountability and control.

Recognising the varied infrastructure needs of modern businesses, Coforge offers two distinct deployment options for Quasar. Enterprises can opt for a cloud-based setup to leverage scalability and flexibility or choose an on-premise setup that provides enhanced security protocols and controls.

Sudhir Singh, the CEO and Executive Director of Coforge, expressed his optimism and vision for the platform. He believes in the transformative potential of AI, emphasising its capacity to reshape every dimension of an organisation, from customer service and research to finance and HR. Singh remarks, “With Quasar, we aim to empower our clients to tap into AI’s transformative power without constraints, ensuring rapid scalability and limitless possibilities.”

Coforge’s Quasar is more than just an AI platform; it’s a beacon for enterprises looking to embrace the future of business. With its vast array of APIs, comprehensive governance framework, and the flexibility of deployment, Quasar is set to redefine how enterprises harness the power of AI.

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