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Hoga Toga – What Makes Mumbai-Based app So Popular?

When you seek to check out news about some topic, where do you check out the same? Twitter, Facebook, There are many more sources of news articles. Today we will talk about one website that has become quite popular amongst the Indian masses. This case study is an excellent example of how one needs to be aware of their surroundings to grab available opportunities. Curious already? Well, the name of the site is Hoga Toga. It is a news portal that has amassed a massive fan following amongst Indian readers.

We will try to decipher how Hogatoga became so big and what activities it carries out. We will also get to know about the fan following that the site has gained and what were the probable causes for its massive success.

So, what exactly is Hoga toga?

It is a tech news site putting out updates at regular intervals. It started in 2017 and has grown quite well in the last five years. It was founded by Md. Sitare is based in Mumbai. Since its inception, it has grown rapidly. It has branched into various other social media sites. Hoga Toga has more than 6 million subscribers on Youtube and more than 2.5 lakh followers on Instagram.

What Leads to this Massive Fan Following of Hoga Toga?

It would be safe to say that the site gained traction because of some excellent marketing tactics it used. It utilized the popularity of games like Free Fire and Pub-G in India. FYI, before getting banned by the Government of India, India was the biggest market of Pub-G, with as many as 50 million registered users!

The year 2020 was probably one of the best years for online media marketing companies. Companies that operated online games, several youtube channels, and similar online ventures gained massively. Why? It was the COVID-19 pandemic, of course! Everything was under lockdown, and folks were stuck indoors.

At such opportune times, Hogatoga gave away Free Fire, and Pub-G redeem codes. It contributed to the massive jump in its popularity. More about this later in this article. So, is it the only reason for the popularity of the site? Well, not really. The site covers various other high-traffic sections.

What Sections are Covered in Hogatoga?

Hogatoga covers various topics. The latest app-related news, games, and tech news are covered. They also include news on the latest smartphones on their site. It reviews various aspects of smartphones and does unboxing videos on its youtube channel.

It also has a section on app reviews. Hogatoga app reviews are quite popular. It covers both android apps and iOS apps. The HogaToga app download section is another popular section of the site.

The Hogatoga app download section is one of the most popular sections on their site. Most of the apps can be downloaded for free from the App store. In addition to that, some of these have some controversial elements to them. Some of the Hogatoga apps that are featured on the site are as below:

Hi Translation – It is a language translator app that supports more than 88 languages. It works in integration with Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, and others.

Raise High Volume Booster – This app allows you to increase the phone volume. It works to boost music and sound volume too.

Free Call App – This app can be used to make free calls!

Lens Launcher – It is a launcher app that gives an option to browse apps efficiently. Various launcher features are Icon customizations, haptic feedback, and more.

Disk Digger Photo Recovery – It is a data recovery app that can be useful when accidentally deleting an important file from your phone.

All Sports Live Streaming Cricket App – This app can view various live TV channel streams for FREE! IPL matches and other international matches can be viewed easily through this app.

Whatsapp Tracker – this is one app that has been popularized by Hogatoga immensely. This app can track who viewed your profile and which profiles you viewed. Even the contact location can be viewed through this Hogatoga app.

Various people are searching on the internet for the Hogatoga app download. As we can see, free streaming and calling are desirable to everyone. Especially, we Indians love free stuff! I mean, who doesn’t?

What is the process for Hoga toga App Download?

All the Hogatoga app downloads can be done from the Play store. Most of these apps are free to download. They do contain ads, though. Another thing to understand is that sometimes these could be controversial as well. So, do your due research before downloading any of those. This article is not a recommendation to go and download them all.

Let us have a look at another popular section of the site.

What is covered in Hoga toga Smartphone reviews?

All the major phone releases are featured on Hogatoga. Their section on Nothing Phone 1 release became popular. Plus, various other articles gained traction.

How about HogaToga’s Social media presence?

As we stated earlier, their youtube channel has a massive 6 million subscriber base (1). Hogatoga is active on Instagram. More than 250k people follow Hogatoga on Insta (2). Hogatoga’s Facebook page, too, has more than 50k followers (3). When it comes to Twitter, there are more than 30k followers there, too (4). So, we can conclude that Hogatoga has quite a robust social media following.

Is there something else that HogaToga is famous for?

The short answer is YES! Hoga toga redeems code for Free Fire became quite popular in 2020. Along with that, BattleGrounds Mobile India(former Pub-G) and Hoga toga redeem codes, too, became popular. The prime reason for this popularity can be their ‘giveaways’ of these codes, which Hogatoga ran on their platform.

Is the Hoga toga Redeem Code Still Available Onsite?

We know that Free fire and BattleGround Mobile India games have been banned in India. So, we can safely say these codes would not be used now. Even though the games may be accessible outside of India, Hoga toga redeems codes have stopped coming out as they were earlier since they were targeted at Indian fans of these games.

So, what did We learn Today About Hoga Toga?

We learned the importance of taking advantage of any available opportunities. PM Modi Ji once said, “Aapda ko avsar me Badalna hai”(Need to convert a disaster into an opportunity). (5)

Hoga Toga converted a global pandemic into a raging success. We all can learn something from this interesting case study. Keep following us for more.

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