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How AI is redefining product launches

The rise of experiential marketing is being significantly influenced by artificial intelligence (AI), redefining product launches and creativity in marketing. Generative AI is playing a crucial role in reshaping how marketers approach creativity and engage with their audience. This shift towards experiential marketing involves creating immersive brand experiences that captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact.

AI’s evolution in marketing is not only redefining trends but also transforming how businesses approach their marketing strategies.

Gen AI, a form of artificial intelligence, is already making substantial changes in the marketing landscape, particularly in the realm of product launches. Furthermore, AI is revolutionising personalisation in marketing, changing the way businesses interact with customers and enhancing the overall customer experience.

AI and product launches

AI is changing the way companies approach product launches by enabling a more targeted and efficient launch strategy, leading to improved sales and customer satisfaction. Businesses are revolutionising their approach to product launches by leveraging AI-generated content, which enhances engagement and creativity in marketing efforts.

Artificial intelligence is being utilised to manage the product launch process, streamlining various aspects such as suppliers, engineering, marketing, pricing, and sales for better synchronisation and efficiency.

Moreover, Gen AI is already transforming marketing by reshaping how businesses interact with customers, enhancing the overall customer experience during product launches.

Evolution of experiential marketing

The evolution of experiential marketing has been marked by several key developments:

Early beginnings: The first documented examples of experiential marketing date back to the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, where brands like Wrigley’s, Pabst, and Cracker Jack debuted their products to the world.

Guerrilla marketing: In the 1980s, Jay Conrad Levinson’s book “Guerrilla Advertising” popularised low-cost, unconventional marketing strategies that focused on surprise and interaction.

● The rise of branded events: By the late 1990s, Fortune 500 brands were using experiential marketing to create immersive experiences at major events like the Super Bowl, SXSW, Comic-Con, and Coachella.

● Social media integration: With the advent of social media, experiential marketing campaigns gained more reach and longevity as consumers could share content instantly.

Virtual and augmented reality: In the 2010s, brands began incorporating technology like virtual and augmented reality into their experiential marketing strategies to create more immersive experiences. The pandemic accelerated the shift towards virtual experiences such as AR/VR and online interactive campaigns.

Trends and strategies to use AI for product launches

In the realm of product launches, deploying AI has become a pivotal trend, offering innovative ways to enhance marketing strategies and customer engagement. One prominent trend is the utilisation of AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to provide personalised interactions with consumers, guiding them through product features and benefits in a conversational manner. These AI-driven tools not only streamline customer support but also gather valuable data on consumer preferences and behaviours, enabling companies to tailor their product launches more effectively.

Another emerging trend is the use of AI algorithms to analyse vast amounts of data from social media, market trends, and consumer feedback to identify insights that can inform product development and marketing strategies. By harnessing AI for predictive analytics, companies can anticipate market demands, optimise pricing strategies, and even forecast potential obstacles in the product launch process. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to make informed decisions that resonate with their target audience and drive successful product introductions.

Moreover, AI is revolutionising the creative aspects of product launches through generative design tools that can produce compelling visual content, such as images, videos, and advertisements. By employing AI-generated content, companies can create visually captivating campaigns that resonate with consumers on a deeper level, fostering brand loyalty and differentiation in a crowded marketplace. Additionally, AI-powered recommendation engines are being utilised to personalise product recommendations based on individual preferences and past interactions, enhancing the overall customer experience during product launches.

AI solving problems for product launches

AI offers solutions to various challenges encountered in traditional product launches, revolutionising the way businesses approach marketing strategies and customer engagement. One significant problem that AI addresses is the ability to analyse vast amounts of data rapidly, enabling predictive analytics that can forecast market trends and consumer behaviour with greater accuracy.

By using AI for market research and data analysis, companies can make informed decisions throughout the product launch process, reducing risks associated with launching products that may not resonate with their target audience.

Moreover, AI plays a crucial role in optimising marketing campaigns and personalising user experiences during product launches. AI-powered tools like chatbots and virtual assistants enhance customer interactions, providing tailored support and guidance to consumers, and ultimately improving engagement and satisfaction levels. Additionally, AI tools can analyse audience preferences, optimise marketing messages, and deliver personalised content that resonates with individual consumers, leading to more effective promotional efforts and increased conversion rates.

In essence, AI addresses traditional challenges in product launches by offering advanced capabilities in data analysis, predictive analytics, personalised marketing, and post-launch optimisation. By integrating AI into their product launch strategies, businesses can mitigate risks, enhance customer engagement, and drive successful and impactful product introductions in today’s competitive market landscape.


The future of AI in product launches looks promising, with the potential to transform the landscape of new product development and marketing campaigns. As continues to advance, businesses will have even more opportunities to leverage AI to create innovative and personalised product launches that resonate with their target audience.

(Sriram PH is the CEO & Co-founder of DaveAI, an AI-powered sales augmentation platform)

Edited by Megha Reddy

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)

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