Having a happy team is one of the keys to a successful company, and it’s easy to see when a business has high morale. High morale means people are more productive because they get along better with each other. They are passionate about what they do because they understand what they are working towards.
Good morale doesn’t just happen, it’s something you have to encourage and nurture. Whether you need to improve or maintain positive vibes, here are some great team morale boosters.
Open Communication
When building team morale, it’s important each individual feels as if they have a voice. Nothing crushes the spirit faster than trying and failing to be heard. Provide opportunities for them to give feedback and suggestions on projects and assignments.
Not every idea or response will be perfect, but apply what you can to demonstrate that their contributions matter.
Pleasant Atmosphere
What kind of physical environment are you providing for your team? The right music can improve the mood of the workspace and increase productivity. Both Pandora and Spotify have many stations and playlists tailored for a productive work environment.
Adding plants to your workspace has also been proven to brighten moods. Whether you’re giving each team member a plant to care for or using them as decoration, it’s among the easier team morale boosters.
Your team works hard and makes sacrifices for their job, and that shouldn’t be taken for granted. When you take the time to acknowledge a fantastic presentation or report, it can make all the difference.
Praise doesn’t just have to come from you, though. If you can set up a way for your team to recognize a coworker’s job well done, it both encourages and improves in-office relations.
Health and Wellness Goals
Let your team know you care for them by starting a wellness program. This can be scheduled workouts or accountability, but it will help your team feel more involved.
Food Truck
If you live in a city that hosts food trucks, try hiring or requesting a well-rated truck to make your office a routine stop. Giving your team a weekly or monthly novelty lunch to look forward to will brighten their day.
Book Club
This takes a little coordination, but find a book that your team would enjoy or benefit from reading. Whether it’s once a week or every other week, it will give your team a chance to get to know each other outside of work responsibilities and foster friendly relationships.
Special Events
Setting aside a Saturday (even just once a year) for team building activities to boost morale is a great chance for you and your team to bond. Because morale is such a vital part of a company’s success, there are plenty of services dedicated to planning your events to boost morale.
Never Stop Giving Your Team Morale Boosters
Whether your company has high or low team morale, it’s important to continually encourage, support, and empower them to do their best through team morale boosters.
Where is your team morale at? For a better look into your team’s work experience, there are great sources you can use that survey your team members (like this one: https://www.leaderfactor.com/psychological-safety-team-survey/). You’ll get a report back on their psychological safety with great insights and suggestions on how to improve or how to rebuild team morale.
For more information on managing your team, check out our resources. We provide helpful tips from the pros and information when starting your company.