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ChatGPT v/s Grok: All you need to about Elon Musk’s AI bot

Ever since ChatGPT was released, big tech companies such as Google and X (formerly Twitter) took the challenge to develop an AI bot better than OpenAI.

On 4th November, Tesla owner Elon Musk introduced Grok- a new AI model on this platform X. Grok- which is modelled after “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” will be integrated with X soon. Here is all you need to know about this new rival AI bot!

What is Grok?

Similar to ChatGPT, Grok is a generative AI model powered by Grok-1 LLM that reportedly took 4 months to be developed. According to xAI, Grok is made to assist humanity in gaining knowledge and understanding. The prototype version Grok-0 has been trained with 33 billion parameters.

If we compare it with other AI bots, Meta’s LLaMA 2 supports 70 billion parameters. Subsequently, Google’s Bard is trained with 137 billion parameters. Whereas GPT 3 and GPT 4 were trained with 175 billion parameters and 100 trillion parameters.

To give a short definition, these parameters form the backbone of how well an AI performs. So, these settings affect the quality, creativity and diversity of the generated text by the AI model.

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What can Grok do?

Grok gives real-time responses by scanning data from platform X. This sets the AI bot ahead of ChatGPT as it can provide more up-to-date and relevant information. Also, Grok has a cheeky and sarcastic style of answering questions that is also different from OpenAI’s chatbot.

In fact, Elon Musk also shared how Grok tackles questions on X. Here is a quick glimpse:

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Grok has real-time access to info via the 𝕏 platform, which is a massive advantage over other models.

It’s also based &amp; loves sarcasm. I have no idea who could have guided it this way 🤷‍♂️ 🤣

&mdash; Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 4, 2023

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ChatGPT Vs Grok: Which AI bot is the best?

Coming on the Grok’s capabilities, it has been tested against benchmarks namely HumanEval, GSM8k, MATH, and MMLU. Grok-1 successfully surpasses large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT 3.5 and Inflection-1. But Grok is still behind with OpenAI’s GPT-4, Google’s Palm 2 and Anthropic’s Claude 2 AI model. Hence Grok-1 is certainly better than GPT 3.5 but not GPT 4, as of now.

How to use Grok?

Currently, Grok is in its beta phase and is only available for limited users in the US. Once it is officially launched, it will be accessible to all X’s Premium+ subscribers at $16 per month or approximately Rs 1,300.

Although Grok is unlike OpenAI’s ChatGPT which offers a basic free version with limited features and a premium one that costs $20 per month which helps users get real-time data.

Stay tuned for the latest developments in the world of AI. The battle between Grok and ChatGPT is just beginning, and we’ll be here to keep you updated.

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