The internet is a superb technology but it opens up businesses to a whole new range of threats that you need to deal with. These attacks range from irritating to incredibly costly.
Preventing cyber attacks can be very difficult but you can make it easier by bringing in an IT provider to help you. Specialists like a managed IT service provider can help to manage your security and keep everything running smoothly.
Here’s how IT services can help your business thrive and stay safe. Are you ready to learn more? Then read on!
1. Access to Extensive Knowledge of Cyber Attacks
An IT provider will likely have many years of experience spread across its team, with all manner of expertise shared among them. This kind of knowledge is a phenomenal asset for your business, as they will be able to diagnose any issues that you’re having easily.
You may be infected with a rootkit, a virus, a trojan, or other kinds of malware and not even know it. A security expert will be able to spot the warning signs of infection before you could. This means that your issues won’t last as long and can be treated much faster.
2. Managed Security Across Your Entire Network
In some small businesses, every computer has a different setup of security software. This kind of approach means that every computer offers up gaps in your company’s armor. A much more sensible approach is to use endpoint and managed security.
Endpoint security is installed on each computer in your business, and your IT provider will then manage the software’s configuration across your entire company. This kind of united front, controlled by a professional, offers your business a much stronger approach to security.
This managed security will even work when your employees are working at home, provided they are using company computers.
3. An IT Provider Can Screen Employees’ Devices
Often, we allow employees to bring their own devices to work. These include laptops, phones, tablets, and more. While this offers some advantages, such as lower equipment costs, there are problems with this approach, too.
Your employees’ devices may have malware lurking on them or they may not store sensitive data to a required privacy standard. Allowing your employees to bring their own devices shouldn’t be a decision that you make lightly.
If you do allow your employees to use their own devices, you need to hire professional IT services that can screen the devices. This process involves making sure that they’re free of malware and that they have the necessary security and privacy software in place to keep your business safe.
4. They Can Set Up a VPN for Your Business
At the current time, it is likely that your employees work from home. Even once things get back to normal, there will be times where your employees will work from home or a coffee shop. This isn’t necessarily an issue, but data security is.
There is no way for you to control the security settings of an employee’s home network, nor that of a coffee shop. What you can do, however, is offer your employees a safer way to connect to the business’ network.
A virtual private network (VPN) is an encrypted tunnel that keeps your data secure, no matter where it’s coming from. Any traffic leaving your employee’s device will be encrypted and sent securely through this tunnel, which means that if someone intercepts the data, it won’t be usable.
Connecting to a business network on a public wi-fi network is like leaving your business’ doors wide open for thieves.
5. Faster Recovery
If you suffer a cyber attack, getting back to where you were before can be challenging. This is where having an IT provider comes in handy. They are experts in business continuity, which means that you can get back online and working within hours or days, rather than weeks.
Part of this comes from their ability to set IT policy, such as mandating regular backups at your business, while the rest of it comes from their expertise at creating and implementing a recovery plan.
The faster you get back online, the less income you will lose. Knowing how to recover is vital.
6. Scalability
Having your own in-house IT team is great but it’s a luxury that few small businesses can afford. Hiring managed IT services is a much better proposition, as you will only have to make the same payment each month. This cuts down on costs while offering a superb level of protection.
However, as your business grows, you may find that you need more protection. If this happens, your managed services provider will be able to grow your cover with you. They will be able to offer services more suited to larger companies and a greater number of staff available to help you.
If you want a scalable solution, hiring a managed IT services provider is the best option for you.
7. Easier to Detect Breaches
If a hacker attempted to attack you and failed, would you know? For the layperson, the answer is probably not. Yet recognizing attempted attacks can throw light on issues that you never knew you had.
A managed IT provider can offer threat analysis and threat monitoring that will help you stop attacks in their tracks.
Hiring Managed IT Services Keeps You Safe
Hiring an IT provider can keep your business safe while letting you focus on running your business. It’s something that every business needs to consider, given the prevalence of online threats.